Recycling At The Hub
The Deeside Food Hub are working with Camphill School as a Terracycle drop off point for the Oral Care Recycling Scheme.
When you pick up your food order at the Hub you can drop off used toothbrushes including electric toothbrush heads, toothpaste tubes, floss containers and any outer packaging. Toothbrushes must be rinsed of toothpaste and all items must be dry.
IMPORTANT - During Covid please wrap your items in a green compostable food caddy bag, tied with a knot, to keep us all safe.
All the items will be processed by Terracycle rather than going to landfill. Find out more by clicking on the link below:
In addition we collect clean egg cartons from Katy's Eggs plus any jars and bottles from Hub products eg from Hungry Squirrel, Udny Provender, Nino's Masala and From Bakery Lane. These producers will sterilise and reuse the containers so eliminating the need to recycle.